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The Blob (1988) - Review

The 1988 remake of 'The Blob', originally a 1958 horror movie, was written and directed by Chuck Russell. While I had never seen the film before, 'The Blob' seems to be one of those movies that everyone has seen references to, and knows the general premise. I'd also like to point out that I haven't yet seen the original, although the general consensus seems to be that it is the superior version by a small margin.

The characters in this film are fairly one-dimensional, and although this makes you feel less for them, I would give credit to the idea that it helps create the idea that anyone could die at any time. The person I considered to be the protagonist at the beginning is killed within the first 30 minutes, and a few key characters die later on that I wouldn't have predicted. This was a refreshing change from the horror formula that is often utilised, as it keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the whole film.

One feature I would praise is the special effects - mostly. The practical effects were great, especially the scenes where the 'blob' devours its next victim, and you see a figure dissolve inside its translucent body. I'm a sucker for splatter films, and 'The Blob' was a satisfying watch.

However, there were a few green screen moments that looked really corny. These mostly took place in the final scene, which killed the tension a little for me personally.

For a remake, 'The Blob' was an enjoyable watch, but I wouldn't say it's a classic (at least not this version). I had fun with it despite its flaws; the practical effects were great and are definitely the highlight of the film. I would recommend it if you don't mind overlooking a few problems here and there.




Daniel Brent Films produces short films, sketches, animations, and film reviews.


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